We had a beautiful day in Park City - I think we might have even hit 60 degrees! I ran around all day in a skirt with bare legs and no coat. Why did that make me miss Disneyland so much today? There are some pretty fond memories from Disney from my childhood, but FOR SURE the tug on my heart is from all the fun times I had hanging out with my buddies - Sara, Nixon, and Easton. I could have months of Flashback Fridays and not post all of my favorite Disney pictures!

1987 with Kathy Hardin

2002 - That's right, a World Series celebration!

2004 - First Tower of Terror Ride

2000 ish? Geoffrey surprised us by coming home early from work, loading up the car and off we went for 3 glorious days of Disney hotels and parks. Best vacation ever!
I am hoping to take my kids there someday! This year they are getting a new house instead. Maybe next year is the year.
Nixon's face in the "Tower of Terror" is classic!
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