Nixon and Easton are holding a yard sale tomorrow to earn the last of the money they need for Jamboree. Neighbors and friends and relatives have been so generous in giving them stuff to sell, we just need to cross our fingers that the weatherman is wrong about the rain coming!
We're at an age with our kids where we really don't buy toys or stuff much anymore. Gifts are usually equipment for sports or lessons or some kind of ticket to something fun they want to go do. Toy wise, we're down to 7 or so bins of toys in the garage - pretty much the stuff we don't use a lot now, but we don't plan on getting rid of. We did have a long talk about the giant bin of Star Wars Legos last night though. The boys don't play with them anymore. Even though we have the boxes and instructions for all the sets in the bin and the sets are mostly assembled, fitting all of that into one bin did require us to break some of the sets down and let's just say it would take some sorting out to get all back to where it belongs.
We looked on line to see what some of their Star Wars Lego's are worth. This is the first one we looked up. Are you kidding me? Needless to say, a spirited discussion of their new found riches ensued. Nixon thinks they will be worth "a fortune" when they are older. Easton thinks we should be heading straight to Ebay right now, but frankly, the sorting the sets out and pricing is more than my brain wants to deal with today.
This really made me think about the Star Wars toys of my youth. My siblings and I are sick that our awesome figures (remember the Jawa with the cloth robe?) and ships (I loved the Land Speeder) went the way of the garage sale sometime in our lives. It's probably good they did - otherwise we would all be fighting over them now! I did find a picture of my brothers with some of said toys though:

Jeremy and Tim Markin - 1981- ish
The toys left in our garage to be saved for grandchildren are a box of American Girl dolls and stuff, a Brio train set, almost every Chevron car made, the infamous Star Wars Legos, and a box of Toy Story toys. Buzz and Woody were our constant companions in one form or another for YEARS. After seeing those movies, how could anyone possible ever get rid of a Buzz or Woody?Easton and Buzz - Christmas 1999

Easton, Nixon, Sara and Woody - October 2000
Do you have toys that you are glad your mom saved or sad they are gone?