Saturday, August 18, 2007

Fastest 11 years EVER!

I can't believe this boy is 11!

He had a celebratory week - we went Lazer-tagging, to TWO waterparks, bowling, school shoe shopping, and Sunday will be the big birthday dinner (his choice? hot dogs!).

It's a joy to be Nixon's mom. People just love him. He is polite, thoughtful, smart, and funny. He thinks a lot about spiritual things and takes his responsibilities very seriously. He is a good example to all of us in the family. He can be be a worrier at times, but he's always the first to trust in Heavenly Father's plan too. Thanks for being great Nixon, we love you!


Robyn said...

Oh my gosh!!! He is such a handsome boy!!! Happy Birthday Nixon!!! He is such a sweet boy. I always loved his prayers. They are always so detailed and sincere! Hope he had a great day!!

Mama F said...

I love the bowling picture! He looks so grown up. Jen, your kids getting older makes me feel old! Tell them to stop growing up so fast!