Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Welcome to Summer

June 26, 2005

In 2006, we moved to a new way to torture mom. After all, it was our first winter in Park City, and those ski passes were begging to be used. Oh wait, Easton broke his arm the week after Thanksgiving and exactly 4 days after the resorts opened. This was accomplished by "grinding" on an icy balance beam on the playground in his tennis shoes (now against the rules at Trailside Elementary):

After all that, I deserved the summer of 2007 off, didn't I?
Looking forward to Summer 2009, where we can try, try again!
(PS We have been assured by medical professionals that this child does not have weak or brittle bones. "You SHOULD break a bone when you do this stuff.")
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Blog is Back (in Black)
What could bring me out of blogging hiatus? How about Nixon rocking the (elementary school) house? Yes, that is my cute, quiet, reserved little boy as the toe tapping lead singer. We tried to get him to head bang a little, but no luck. We think he'll be pretty awesome once he hits puberty. Geoffrey kept telling him to get his voice lower - he said "Dad, I'm 11. This is as low as it goes."
This video is of their encore (I didn't even know they had practiced more than one song). So the crowd was pretty wound up already - their first number was TNT, this is Back in Black in case you can't tell. They also performed at the end of year BBQ and they added Long Way to the Top. What a bunch of cuties!
Oh yea, so one of my summer goals is to update this baby every Sunday. My paranoia has passed and I'm not on private setting anymore, but I did have to change my address, so if you have a link, please change it to http://www.jenniferannbarber.blogspot.com/. You can always see what we've been up to on Smugmug, but I had 2 main goals for this blog - recording stuff that was important to me and keeping in touch with friends. We'll see how I do!