When Geoffrey coaches hockey or baseball, whenever a kid comes off the ice, he tells them something they did good and something they can work on to improve. That's how I always feel about conference - there's always a few messages that make me say "Yea, I'm on the right track there" and a few that make me say "OK, I should be working on that a little harder!" I love conference!

This was the first time Nixon could go to Priesthood, and we had tickets for Geoffrey and Nixon for priesthood and for all of us Sunday morning. We stayed downtown in Salt Lake and had a GREAT time! It rained all weekend, but nice steady rain, no miserable downpours. It was so fun to walk everywhere and just hang out. While the men were at priesthood, Easton and I went to Deseret Book Ladies Night, then we walked to the Capital Theater to pick Sara up from dance, then we all met for dinner.

We might have had too much fun. We had to be up pretty early Sunday - by the time we got into our seats and listened to the choir practice for Music and the Spoken Word, we were all pretty tired. So the lights dim - Music and the Spoken Word starts and about 25 minutes later I wake up to see my WHOLE FAMILY asleep. Not subtle-nod-the-head asleep, but sprawled out on their chairs, probably snoring asleep! Nice! Well, I let them all sleep 5 more minutes before I woke them up for the start of conference. It was a great weekend!
I can't believe you fell asleep in those chairs! At the RS meeting I was so uncomfortable I couldn't hold still. I swear those chairs were built for people 5 feet tall. Did anyone give you dirty looks because you fell asleep. I think I would have laughed if I saw a whole family asleep. You guys must have had a lot of fun.
Oh those chairs are sooo much better than the ones in the old tabernacle or meeting house. Were the pioneers midgets? I have been so uncomfortable everytime I've had meetings in one of those buildings! I think the people around us were totally dying! I was! Oh well! We were there for the conference part and we woke up for that! By the time the choir started we had already heard the dumb program 2 times - I mean, it's great and all, but ...come on.
I wouldn't try to take my kids everytime. I feel guilty I've been to things there so much in the few years we've lived here - I've only gone to the stake center for one RS and one YW broadcast since we moved to Utah, and we scored tickets to the New Year's Eve broadcast too! There were so many people trying to get tickets outside - I hope they all made it in on standby. For that reason, we'll only try to go every few years or so.
Sounds like a very fun weekend! That is hilarious that you they ALL fell asleep! It's hard not to nod off a little when those lights dim.
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