when your daughter gets asked out on dates by elaborate things. Here is Sara's Homecoming ask this year ...a perfect replica of Napoleon Dynamite's sketch-ask, (and the really good part!) a box of YUMMY cookie flowers wrapped all pretty and topped off with a pair of pink Skullcandy headphones:
Her answer? A big sign in his yard that said: YES, I'd be a Dum-Dum not to go with you; and a yard full of Dum-Dums stuck in the ground (harder to push into a lawn then you would think!)
Tyler is a darling boy in our ward, Sara said it was so fun to go with someone she is friends with and has hung out with a lot before - they had a great time!
I'm sure you're shocked to know I have more pictures here!
Sara's had a crazy schedule lately - she has a solo part in Ballet West's nutcracker - and as a result did all of her dress shopping on her own. I love that she knows modest is hottest!
Feel free to share any clever dance ask/answer ideas you have in the comments. Someday I'll be helping with the boy half of all of this!
What a cute idea! I love the dum dum idea! Remind me of that in 14 years when Trent has to ask someone. Sarah always looks modest, yet chic and trendy. She is so beautiful!
Love the Dum Dum idea!! Too cute! Sara looks gorgeous, I love her dress and cute shoes!!!
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