So there is a lot to be learned from a camping trip. For instance ...
If your 9 year old packs his own bag, and even if you ask your husband SIX times if he has checked it, you should only expect to have the following:
2 pairs of shorts, the child's best zip-up SWEATER, one or two pairs of underwear, 3 stuffed animals.
You may be missing:
Pajamas, long pants of ANY kind, sweatshirts and/or coats, water shoes, bathing suit, toothbrush.
If you arrive at your camp late at night and set up your tent in a hurry in the dark, some of it may fall on you during the windstorm in the middle of the night. This may cause your teenage daughter to sit up every 20 minutes until 5am exclaiming "The tent is falling! We're going to suffocate!"
If you hike with 11 children and want to keep track of them, do not bother giving them numbers and trying to get them to "count off". They won't get it right until the afternoon of the very last day on the very last hike.

If you are hiking with the same 11 children, DO NOT give them each a walkie talkie. You may be able to tune out the constant chatter on them, but the strangers around you will not appreciate it.
If you plan on ditching your kids in the Junior Ranger program so that you can go do an adult hike, make it a good one. You won't be able to talk the kids into going back to the "most boring thing" they've ever done. Also ...make sure the 5 year old you are trying to pass off as 6 doesn't look too young.

And the last lesson of all...camping with fun friends is a great experience - do whatever you need to to make it happen!

More pictures here.