Saturday May 5 - Busiest Day EVER!
Aiden's baptism in the morning (awesome!)

Is school almost out? Because I am so over it! It's way too nice out to be doing homework! Easton's class just had 2 weeks of swimming lessons, Sara's final dance performance of the year is this weekend (that = even MORE dance than usual), Nixon and Easton started baseball practice, led by the fearless Dan from Coldstone and his trusty assistant - Geoffrey!
Sara and I went on a little excursion to REI with 2 great friends from church. (Lucky for us, REI is right next to a Cafe Rio). We all got hiking boots in anticipation of our hike this summer to this amazing place. I've hiked around Park City in these babies every day this week. Looking like I need some more practice before the big event! And I have the start of a killer farmer's tan - very sexy!
Well. That was an awfully long week. I missed half of everything. But the chocolate fountain was amazing.
Fun stuff! Easton's school class took swimming lessons for 2 weeks!? Is that part of a new curriculum or something? How fun! Have fun on your hike? Where is Havuspai (sp?)
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