am*or-ous, adj. expressing love
Having established the definitions, here's the story. Geoffrey loves Bill Simmons, the Sports Guy. Has for a while. Never misses reading his updates. Loves to tell me all about how funny he is. OK, whatever. Then, I start hearing about how funny Bill Simmons' wife, the Sports Gal is. I guess she writes for too. That's fine, he can give this other man and women his undivided attention everyday and talk incessantly about them without my feeling threatened. This is when I began to worry:
Me: "Welcome home honey, how was your day?"
Geoffrey: (rushing to computer) "Let's watch The Bachelor"
Me: "The Bachelor? The trashy reality show with slutty girls and a desperate-to-get-laid man?" Geoffrey: "Yes, the Sports Gal and Guy say it's really funny."
So my husband is watching The Bachelor: An Officer and A Gentleman (Jeremy! Why didn't you think of doing this first?) so he can read the Sports Gal's blog about it?!? Sounds like something you would only do for an amorous relationship to me!! In the true spirit of if-you-can't-beat-em-join-em, I have watched the first 2 episodes of Lt. Andy Baldwin's quest to find his soul mate. As evidenced by the fact he eliminated the one girl who said she was "conservative and a virgin", I stand by my original assessment of the show. Lt. Andy seems to work out quite a bit, and for the sake of standing by my husband and expressing my love for him, I will keep watching and reading the Sports Gal's musings of the happenings (I'm keeping my eye on you Sports Gal). Whew, I'm so lucky that lets you watch this quality show on-line.
In other Barber news ...Nixon's arm is going to heal just fine. He had a red cast put on in honor of our Halos. Sara's first performance of Giselle is tonight. The YW had a fun dinner this week; each YW invited a sister from the ward who was new or that they didn't know very well. It's been a while since I've done anything creative, but Sara and I made the name tags and that was fun:
Yeah, they always get rid of the virgins first. I have yet to watch the Bachelor this season. He is hot, but I've watched enough seasons to know that they aren't going to get married, he probably won't even propose. He'll just say, "This is an $8000 promise ring that I will give to you WHEN we decide to get married." In his head he's really thinking, "We'll hook up, maybe live together for a month, and most likely break up after that because real life is nothing like the dates we went on during the show."
Trust me, I watch my fair share of trashy television, but I will just have to hear about this show from you through your or Geoffrey's blog. What does the Bachelor have to do with sports anyway Sports Guy? I guess Andy does run a lot.
I didn't know all these shows were on the computer. See? Who needs t.v.? Dave and I cuddled up to the computer to watch Season 2 of Prison Break. It was much more intimate than watching it on the couch. This online viewing thing is awesome. Who needs cable?
Sorry about the long comment, well, not really. I just like to talk. I love those name tags. Those flowers look like they're plastic or shrinky dink? Super cute. Only you would think of something that cute to make the girls feel special.
It's a paper flower (waterbrushed in and glittered), then a button, then the flower stamped again on transparency paper. Thanks!
Jen, You crack me up!!!
The idea for the dinner is great! Really cute name tags! Remember the days of hanging out at your house...being creative, those were
the days!
I had a case of "can't-beat-'um-join-'um" last year. I would get the kids to bed and watch American Choppers, so I could spend some quality time with my husband in the evening. They are pretty funny. I knew there was a problem when I started using one of their often used lines,"I am going to kick you in the head!!" I haven't seen this season, I didn't want to get hauled away!!
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