Sophie, Jessie, Will, and Easton riding up top on the houseboat while we were cruising for a beach.
Nixon and Wade getting ready for a swim (brr)
We hiked to the top of these Indian Ruins. We're so high up in this picture! It was so cool!
Sara might turn into a wake boarder after all. She had a great time and got better everyday!
Easton was so happy to zip around on the knee board!
I wanted to put one of the pictures of Geoffrey crashing, but in the spirit of love we've built on our vacation, here's one of him not crashing!
And the last, sad part of the story:
This is Nixon laying at the bottom of a cliff our first full day there. The big rock on the right? That's what broke his fall - on his elbow. It was pretty scary. It took awhile to get him out of the canyon where we were hiking in, then we boated over to the Bullfrog Marina medical clinic. I thought for sure they would x-ray it and say it was fine. Well, it turns out, there is no x-ray machine at Lake Powell. We had to drive 3 hours to PRICE! Of course, I was wearing a bathing suit and capri's and a sweatshirt! He did break his arm right above the elbow. We'll know Wednesday if he will need surgery or not (the break is close to his growth plate). After we left the ER, we stopped at Wal-Mart in Price and bought a toothbrush, toothpaste, sweats for Nixon to sleep in, and pain killers for him. By the time we got back to Powell, it was 2am. We stayed in Defiance Lodge at the Marina and resumed the vacation in the morning. Poor buddy, no water sports for him, and he was feeling some pain. He was a trooper though, and we all made the best of it.
hmm...I need to end this now, as I have NO plan yet for Easter dinner or treats. I guess I have some shopping to do.
Well, again, thanks to the AWESOME families we went with - it was a GREAT time. I guess we're on the path to being a boat family now - We really do LOVE the LAKE!
Oh my gosh, what a fun trip, except for the part about Nixon. I swear, I thought you were going to say Easton broke his arm for the 15th time, but I'm still sad that Nixon hurt his elbow. Poor guy! I hope he's okay and doesn't need surgery. This is what I have to look forward to with boys, right? What is everybody wearing while they wakeboard? They look like they're going scuba diving? Was the water cold or something? Who did you go with? I didn't know you were afraid of germs. I learn something new about you through your blog every day! I miss you. It was so good to see you in California.
Robyn. It's a dry suit. Greatest thing ever invented. It has long tight rubber ends so that no water can get in. The water was FREEZING! But the only way I would get in the water is with that dry suit on. It pretty much saved the trip. I don't think I would have done anything if it hadn't been available for my use (thanks Nic!)
ur welcome sara
#1. i commented on saras about this too, im going to make a slide show/movie on our trip to powell, i'll bring you guys a dvd on sunday (the robinsons will get one too)
#2 i totally forgot what i was going to put for #2
Wow, my teenager is answering my comments now! Robyn - she explained the drysuit thing, I'll answer the rest. We went with 2 families from our ward. I'm trying to be cautious about using other people's last names without their permission.
I'm suprised you didn't know how much I hate germs! Have you ever seen my kids at a water park? or Lake Mission Viejo? or a fast food playland? All germ magnets, all avoided by the Barber's. Of course sometimes we end up at a lake or playland with friends, but I try hard to avoid it, and on the rare occasion, I scrub those kids down pretty well when we get home. Oh, and ward potlucks? Why not just all stand in a line and take turns coughing on each other?
I miss you too!
Sick about the potlucks! I'm never going to one again. That's right. I remember you being all weird about going to Chuck E Cheese, where a kid can be a kid as long as there are no germs? What about Disneyland? All those germs all over the rides? Huh? Huh? You guys practically lived there so maybe you became immune. Ha ha!
My mom thinks Disneyland is gross too. One time Easton (this is really really disgusting, but I'll tell anyway.) was really little and licked one of the handrails while we were waiting in line at a ride. It was disgusting. He ended up really sick and throwing up later. We don't touch the rails, and avoid touching as much as possible haha
But they keep it pretty well cleaned for how big it is and how many people are there...
Oh how I wish the Mings were right there beside you at Lake Powell (not at the bottom of the cliff or at the emergency room - both places the mings avoid)
The pictures are awesome!! I am coveting your camera again. It seriously has to stop.
Miss you guys!
The most impressive thing is while your child was curled up at the bottom of a cliff... you had the presence of mind to capture that moment on film... :) Who is the deer hunter that stopped to help??
Say the word, and Geoff and I will buy a boat. I need to pay off my wifes schooling first, but I am sure we will be ready in about 8 years.
Steph -
You manage to avoid ER's because you have all those sweet girls. But eventually Zale will get older, and the little boy that was running his head into walls for fun today will graduate to things that end in ER trips! We wish you were at Powell with us too, the day will come!
Your comments are pretty funny, and you have the computer skills to make your name a link to all sorts of websites. You should just have your own blog you know.
That dayglo orange shirt? Geoffrey wore it EVERYDAY on this trip. You could see him from anywhere on the lake. I think it freaked out the other families we were with. I have no idea why he even packed it.
It's not me who needs to say the word on the boat, start working on the wage earner of the household!
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