That was 2003. Now it is 2007, they are older and dress themselves more often. So now I end up with pictures like this:The two with blue buckets on their heads are mine. Well, we still had a good time. Really, this is a fun neighborhood. We even let everyone use the gazebo we consider to be ours for treats after the hunt!
Sunday was a great day. In Young Women's, we did a completely silent lesson. The girls watched a DVD that had pictures of the Savior, quotes about Him, music playing, and the girls had journals with some questions to help them think about their own personal relationship with the Savior and their testimony of Him. I was nervous that not speaking for a whole lesson would be hard for them, but there was an awesome spirit in the room, and I could hear lots of pens earnestly writing, it turned out awesome! We have such great young women in our ward and I know that Heavenly Father loves them so much!
Our neighbors the Wentlands came over for Easter dinner. This family has had a lot of challenges this year. They eat Sunday dinner with us almost every week. We ate, played board games, and the missionaries stopped by for desert. It turned out to be a lovely weekend!
Hey. You couldn't have taken a picture of me in my cute church outfit? Oh well. We're getting too old for things like that right?
I do still believe in the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy (I still have 3 baby teeth. I'm hoping that the Tooth Fairy gives more money if you're older.. *HINT HINT*) and Santa Claus... Where do the presents come from if they're not real?!
Look how little they were in the first picture! I love their spiky hair. They are so old now! Cute pictures! Is that your house in the background? It looks so beautiful there!
I'm glad I am not the only one with holiday pictures like that!!! I guess it means we have taught our kids to enjoy life, right!!
Hi Sara!!! Brooke says hi too!!!
She opts out of a few family activities...she has missed a few photo ops!!!
That's one of the neighbor's houses, but this is a cookie cutter neighborhood - they all look alike! I'm laughing that you say it looks so beautiful, because I was so jealous of the green grass in your Easter pics.
Stacey- maybe Sara and Brooke can have a poor-me party for all the pictures they are not in! I'm sure Brooke is out doing fun things too, that is where Sara usually is when she misses out on these things. (Well, mostly she is at dance, but we'll count that as a fun thing!)
SARA STILL HAS BABY TEETH! WHAT!! i thought i was bad, i just lost my last tooth a year and a half ago
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